Why infomercials are soooo goood

1. Aggressive Indifference. Give the “I don’t care if you buy this or not” attitude.  This is something you must do physically and not verbally.  Don’t be desperate to make the sale be calm and cool like Fonzi.

Check out Mighty Putty‘s Infomercial.  They aren’t desperate for sales.  Either you buy it or you don’t.

2. Fear of Loss. The Home Shopping Channel does a great job of using Fear of Loss by displaying a countdown timer.  Pretty much saying “Look folks this deal is going fast.  Act now!”.

3. Sense of Urgency.  Make the viewer feel as if buying a product is safer than not buying the product.  The risk is lower than the reward of owning the product. At no point in an infomercial does the viewer think “I’m afraid to buy.” Rather they will say “Your price is too high.”  It is a bigger risk not to buy the product.

Check out how Snuggie says “Order Now” to get 2 Snuggies.  I feel like if I don’t order now I will miss out on an awesome buy 1 get 1 free deal.

4. Keeping up with the Jones’ (reassuring them someone else bought it, they’re not the first).  Show the viewers that people just like them are buying the product.  Shower them with customer testimonials reassuring them that they are not crazy for wanting to buy the product.

Check out how Slap Chop gets customers to sell you their product at the 2m10s mark.

Thanks to Mike for explaining each infomercial sales technique and inspiring me to try out p90x.

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