How to Start and Grow an Informational Product Business

Photo by 10chPhoto by 10Ch

The easiest business to start is one where you don’t need any money and you already have all the knowledge required to build the product. Well… duh… but what kind of business is this? It is an informational product business! This is where you sell content in the form of e-books, blog posts, and webinars.

Darin Eich

My buddy Darin Eich is the one guy I turn to when I need some fresh ideas. Really any kind of ideas… anything from new product ideas to managing new people. He helps me innovate and ideate. So when he asked me to write him a step by step guide to launching an informational product business that will help others think outside the box I sprung to the challenge.

Luckily he was totally cool with me sharing the plan I wrote for him in a guest blog post on Up and Running. Check out this step by step guide to starting and running a profitable informational product business (this is a 3 year guide).

This blog post includes the following:

  1. List of places I like to publish my blog post to get more traction
  2. An easy way to find good blogs to guest post on
  3. Step by step guide to get to $5k in revenue

Check out the full blog post here.


  1. Wow awesome post. I’m glad I read it. I’ve been wanting to do something outside my 9-5. I’m a physical trainer on the side and I’ve developed a really good system for my clients. Do you think this is something I could pull off for physical training?

    • Hey Cali Man – Absolutely! People need a system in place to help them get better at working out or training for a specific event (marathon, body building, etc).

      One book I recently purchased was the Engine 2 Diet – it gives me the information I need to get in shape.

  2. Pingback: Common Challenges Folks Come across When Making Products | Article Lane

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