How LinkedIn Premium, Keeps its Subscribers: “Put it on the Personal Card, then Get it Expensed”

I thought this email was pretty genius. I signed up for LinkedIn Premium about 2 weeks ago and then I see this email. It pretty much tells me to switch out my personal card and expense it to the company.

LinkedIn Premium Email

This is pretty smart. If I’m paying for this out of pocket, I’m more likely to see and cancel a $50 recurring charge ($50=like 6 Netflix accounts). But, if my boss (or bosses boss) is paying for it, $50 isn’t that big of a deal in the Marketing/Recruiting Budget.

The other really interesting thing is they most of detected that I bought it on my personal credit card by not putting in a “Company Name”. Very clever!

This makes a lot of sense. A product that costs under $50/mo is cheap enough where it makes sense to just sign up with your own credit card especially if it makes you more efficient at your own job. Then, you get an email like this and start thinking “Hey, why not, let me get this expensed”.


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