I like TurboTax’s Speech Bubbles

TurboTax LogoNobody likes Tax day…. except probably the people over at TurboTax. Their service is now the default way of filing taxes.

I really like how on their pricing page they have speech bubbles so you can easily self-identify with a the best TurboTax plan for your needs. It is really hard to cater to the masses.. but TurboTax does it extremely well, they are able to cater to low AND high income earners as well as students, military personnel, and business owners.

Self Identifying Speech Bubbles on TurboTax

When I was on this page, my eyes went right to the speech bubbles. I remember even saying, “Yes” a few times in my head as I was scanning which package I should get.

What is interesting is that it isn’t just the simple short text, it is also the design. The speech bubbles make it look like you just said it.

What do you think of the speech bubbles – did they work on you?


  1. I like this a lot. It’s a great way to add more flavor and differentiation between different price points or versions of a product.

    I’m going to use this for a multi-level course I’m designing. This tactic makes a lot of sense to position the different versions.

    Thanks Rishi!

  2. That’s really really smart.

    Great tip for anybody whose business serves multiple segments (…which is probably every business…)

    Thanks for sharing Rishi!

    • Hey Pete,

      I actually thought of you because they also do a really great job upselling you from the “Basic” to the “Deluxe” package with a really simple tagline:

  3. I think the speech bubbles add a very personal touch to the UX, and provide the end user with piece of mind that “anyone” can do this. For example, I think it’s comparable to when someone wants to buy a “how to” book. When making their selection, they see a booked called, “Advanced Home Repairs”, and next to it a book called, “Home Repairs for Dummies”. I believe the “dummy” book will naturally make you feel more confident, just knowing that your smarter than a dummy, regardless of either books content. And these speech bubbles give me the same vibe. Overall, I like what they offer, and the way they look.

    Great post Rishi!

    • I never thought about the Dummies branding like that. But that totally make sense. It is another way of saying “Super Easy!!! book to teach you hard stuff”

      On a side note, was was their mascot a pizza head?

  4. Love the speech bubbles. They make it easier and more clear for users to figure out what to buy. It’s genius. It’s very likely they have higher conversion rates as a result. Brilliant.

    • Great tip David – use the exact copy your customers use. What do you think of the design of the speech bubbles, do you think it is cheezy or does a good job of delivering the message?

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