Short Term Vision

Short term vision is extremely important to me. I’m one of those people that gets distracted and discouraged quickly. The only thing that keeps me focused is if I know I have  paying customers waiting for me. The longer the customer list I create the better I get at staying focused on actually building out my product. It is a constant reminder that people are waiting to use my product and give me money.

Short term vision helps me decide what features I should spend time on. For example last week we were deciding whether we should add sorting functionality. We decided to add this after our launch. We have customers that need our core functionality today.

Short Term Vision helps me pay me server fees. I need 15 paying customers to break even on my server costs.

I have big plans on what our long term vision is but I can’t afford to think about it.

Short term vision helps you launch your product, quit your day job, find your first paying customers, and establish the foundation for your business… so you can one day execute your long term vision!